Empowering Students to Enjoy their Present

While educational institutions (schools, colleges & universities) play their part in helping students build their future….what about the present moment? What about the stress and mental health issues that students go through at an early age? If mental health issues are not addressed at an early age, they become ingrained in their lifestyle. The numbers reported by Center for Addiction & Mental Health are alarming. It would be a powerful step if educational institutions along with the government can bring mindfulness practices to schools, colleges & universities so that students can learn not only how to build a bright future but also how to live joyfully in the present with better mental health.

We are doing our part by sharing mindfulness practices with students at educational institutions who have shown interest and can see the value in mindfulness/meditation practices towards improving their student’s mental health.

We have done programs with a class of 40-50 students at Humber College & Niagara College of Toronto and the response of students has been very positive.

We would be happy to collaborate with more educational institutions (schools, colleges & universities) and share meditations/mindfulness practices with your students. This will not only help students build a better future by improving their mental health but also help colleges promote mental health awareness which is a powerful step towards building a better community.

Pls get in touch with us by sending us an email at [email protected] or calling us @ 647.822.7487. We are eager to improve the mental health of our students and our community in general.